Saturday, August 9, 2014

Vedic Goddess Devi Saraswati as portrayed in various Asian cultures

Vedic Goddess Devi Saraswati as portrayed in various Asian cultures: 

Whenever we present a formless entity in a form, some changes and alterations are inevitable due the diversity of cultures in space and time. But anybody can easily recognize the oneness of the fundamental concept which has inspired such a diverse representation in various cultures, as is in the case of all these pictures of Devi Saraswati. The same is true about the formless and nameless supreme entity. The moment the transcendental reality is presented in words, such differences according to the place and time in this world, some basic differences are bound to come in. But we need to train ourselves to look beyond those differences and have a vision of the fundamental oneness which lies beyond all the differences. This is where the path of the Vedas leads us, “The Truth is One, but the wise express it in various ways.” (Rig Veda) How ridiculous it would be for me to say that ONLY the Indian or Hindu depiction of Saraswati is the correct one?
Saraswati in Balinese Art, Embassy of Indonesia, Washington DC. USA. President Barack Obama is sitting as a child at Her lotus feet. 

Saraswati, ancient marble statue, India

Saraswati in Balinese Art, Indonesia

Saraswati in contemporary Indian art. India

Saraswati in Japanese Art, Japan

Saraswati in Buddhist art.

Saraswati in Buddhist Art. 

Saraswati in Buddhist Art

Saraswati in Burmese Art, Burma

Saraswati in Cambodia. 

Saraswati in Thailand.
Saraswati in Jainism

Saraswati in Tamilnadu, India. 

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