Monday, July 7, 2014

Daily Message from the Upanishads (05.07.14)

“Know that all this, whatever moves in this moving world, is enveloped and inhabited by the Divine Lord.” The Divine Lord, the pure existence (Sat), is the only immovable and unchanging substratum of everything that moves and changes. Can we perceive this omnipresent existence? Yes, unconsciously we refer to it all the time when we use the verb “to be” in our language, such as in sentences like: The book ‘is’ here, I ‘am’ here, etc. However, we remain unconscious of this presence because we always experience it as defined by something else, such as by the ‘book’ or the ‘I’ in the above two examples, never in its pure undefined formless form. Let us today meditate upon this existence as it is on its own, undefined by anything else, just pure Existence per se. This Pure Existence doesn’t look like anything and yet it looks like everything. (Shukla Yajur Veda Ishavasya Upanishad 1)
The Upanishads comprise of the quintessential mystical sections of the Vedas and therefore form the very foundation of Vedic Spirituality.

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